marți, 18 martie 2008

sugar,spice and everything nice

acest blog il voi folosi mai timpul ii voi da o forma,trebuie insa sa ma decid care si cum va si aceasta.pana una alta... eu postez cu placere si usurinta pe :

3 comentarii:

Niky spunea...

I do not know Romanian, but this year was my first visit in your country. Lively and colorful, more than words, more than silence... Probably you make it brighter and it is like your corner of the world.

motanica spunea...

:) i am glad that you like Romania.i invite you to visit it more often,it has many to offer.I don't know if i make my country brighter,but i have my own space,my little corner of universe:)

Anonim spunea...

Hello Motanica, im from czech republic and find somebody, who likes movies and who will be can rate romanian movies for.. if you can interest, send me a mail (sorry, that i write there, i cant find your email adress) and i tell you more.. thanks my adress: